Thursday, December 06, 2007

Christmas 2007

Here are a few pictures from Christmas 2007. I will post more as I take them!

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Halloween 2007

This year we decided to have a Halloween Party. Here are some pictures from that day.

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Gabe's Field Trip - November 28, 2007

Mr. Williams' 3rd grade class went to the Austin Nature Center and the Botanical Gardens. Here are some pictures from that day!

David and Gabe
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Mr. Williams Class
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Friday, June 01, 2007

In memory of my uncle...

...Macario S. Banda, KIA in Vietnam.

Here are some pictures I took with my camera phone at the traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall.

Gabe's Field Trip

Here are a couple of pics David took on Gabe's field trip.

Angie's Field Trip to Dinosaur Park

Here are a couple of pictures David took of Angie on her field trip.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Happy Birthday Angie!

These pictures are from Angie's 6th Birthday Party at Zilker Park. Courtesy of Renee. Thanks girl!!! =)

Monday, February 12, 2007

2-10-07 Jump Rope for Heart

The Pflugerville School District Elementary Schools had their Jump Rope for Heart funraiser and jump roped on the 10th. Here are a couple of pictures of the kids jump roping. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Back in the day...

...when we were young!

Can you guess which one I am?

(hint: I'm in the bottom row)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Missing tooth!

1-30-07 Well, she lost her second tooth! It has been loose for a couple of weeks and the last couple of days she was complaining that it hurt. I told her it hurt cuz it was ready to come out. And not to worry, it will fall out soon and then it won't hurt anymore. She lost it at school and her teacher gave her a tooth necklace to put it in so she wouldn't lose it.

1-2-07 My baby lost her first tooth! It had been loose for about 2 or 3 weeks. When she left with her brother and daddy to go to Cali, I told her that she had to wait for me to lose it. And she did! The day I met up with them in Cali, the 22nd of December, she lost it! She was so excited for the tooth fairy to visit. Unfortunately she lost it outside and we couldn't find it. But, she drew a picture of it and put that under her pillow. The tooth fairy took her picture and left her $2. She was thrilled! Here is a picture of her gap!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

1-16-07 Snow!

So, living in Texas, we NEVER see snow. Ok, so maybe I have before, but that's when I was stationed in North Carolina! Anyway, the kids had a BLAST playing in the snow (it was mixed in with sleet). Here are a few pictures I took with my camera phone. ENJOY!!!

Angie and Gabe looking at all the snow on the ground!

Angie, Gabe and Grandma enjoying the snow.

Our little snowman (aka sleetman).

Thursday, January 11, 2007

1/11/07-School Awards